What is my IP?

What is my IP?

Basically if you want to know what is my ip? then you need to understand basics of IP. An IP is nothing but Internet protocol which is usually in the format of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where xxx represents numbers from 0 to 9 so when ever you want to use internet the telecom operator or your internet service provider allocates you an IP address. So that an IP packet will be redirected to the right destination from the right sender.

A protocol in communication is a presenting do certain behaviour and format data, so that two devices can know and understand one another. The Internet Protocol (IP for simple terms) is the main protocol in the community of Internet protocols, and is thus of crucial significance when it came to chatting online in computer systems. The Link less Protocol, released in 1974.

Your Public IP address is:

what is my ip?

What is my static IP?

A static IP is an IP assigned to your gateway or to your router which cannot change. which means every time your reboot your router your IP address won’t be changing it will be fixed. for this facility you may need to pay additional charges with your internet service provider. where as normal when you ask for a internet connection usually most ISP provide you a dynamic IP unless you request for one at an additional charge.

So in other words any system that is on the network must have an IP address there are different types of networks.

  • LAN: In case of LAN the IP addresses are allocated by the https server demon running on hub every time a computer is inserted in the hub the https server on the hub assigns an IP address to each clients so that clients can communicate among themselves.
  • WAN: wide area network is when the hub or the router is connected to the internet and the ISP provider will assign the IP address to the router or the gateway.

what is IPv4 and IPv6?

IPv4 is nothing but the 4th version of packet header format that is used during communication. the header format or frame is present on every data that is sent over IP protocol communication. so this means that every packet has a header + data. header conveys information to intermediate router as to where the packet must be routed. The header consists of 14 fields out of which 13 fields are mandatory. the different fields of v4 are specified below.

  • Version: specifies header version IPv4 or IPv6.
  • Internet Header Length (IHL):  This field consists of the header length of the IP packet without data
  • Type of Service: this field specifies the type pf service of an IP packet.
  • Explicit Congestion Notification: Notifies for congestion in the network.
  • Total Length: specifies the total length of the packet including the data part.
  • Identification:
  • Flags:
  • Fragment Offset
  • Time To Live (TTL)
  • Protocol
  • Header Checksum
  • Source address
  • Destination address

version 6

In technical terms, v6 is considered the most current version of the critical communication method that recognizes and locates online computers and other devices. It allows package handling more effectively. V6 also allows for efficiency improvement and provides more protection. v6 is to be considered a sixth version of the internet protocol (v4 successor). v6 (Internet Protocol edition 6).

IMPORTANCE: For the long term survival of the Internet, v6 is highly necessary. Public IPv4 addresses are just roughly 3.7 billion. It may sound good, but it is not even an IP address for each person in the world. .It is given that people are getting more and more internet-connected; everything from light bulbs to thermostats begins to become network-based. There is a severe problem with the lack of IP addresses.

BENEFITS: IPv6 operates similarly with IPv4 by supplying the specific IP addresses that are important for interacting with Internet users. It does, however, have one significant difference that IP address is 128-bit. For their Internet addresses, IPv4 uses a 32-bit code. It means that 2 ^ 32 IP addresses can be supported in total-approximately 4.29 billion. This may sound like other things, but now all addresses are allocated to 4.29 billion, adding to the issues of today’s address scarcity. 

128-bit Internet addresses are used for IPv6. Then 2 ^ 128 internet addresses will be sponsored .The number of IPv6 addresses is 1028 times greater than IPv4. More than enough IPv6 addresses are accessible to enable the extension of Internet devices for a very long time.

Dual stacks execute all protocols on the servers, routers, switches, and other tools, but IPv6 has more preference. A standard business cycle requires all TCP / IP protocol stacks on the WAN, perimeter router, and firewalls, accompanied by data center routers, and finally, the routers on the desktop.

SUPPORT: With IPv6 increasingly widespread in cloud services and user access networks, the network and apps that already be on the pathway of IPv6 implementation. Followings are three things to which one can track if they want to learn IPv6:

  • IPv6 traffic paths
  • IPv6 DNS resolution
  • IPv6 BGP prefixes and routes

what is my ip basics?


In the end, we can conclude that the Full implementation of IPv6 is the only viable option for bandwidth flexibility and more exceptional performance. The extensive usage of IPv6 in operating networks, as stated in Chapter 4, poses some protection problems. By parallel to v4, v6 implements bugs.

That way, the computer is connected to the internet. You have to send your question to the proper location if you go online for mail, shopping or call, and the answers and details you have to return straight to you. For this an IP address plays an important role. In reality, you and your machine connect directly to the Web: first, you connect to the network which is 1) linked to the web itself but 2) grants or provides internet access. The IP addresses enable the position of billions upon billions of digital connected devices to be identified and distinguished from other machines. Because a distant device requires clients IP address to interact with your computer in same way you need to have a mailing address to receive a text message from either a friend in the mail.

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