lora boards

Internet of Things

Now or future IoT is everywhere. Connecting IoT to the Internet is the future technology. it is very useful to people, business, industries around the world. connecting your sensors, your devices, anywhere in the world — but connected. One of the technologies helping to make that possible is LoRa, a wireless communication sending small amounts of data over very long distances using long-range radio and low power.

With hopes of bringing LoRa to the masses, the SSLA Supply team has launched FreeRTOS based EFB-REV1 IoT that takes advantage of today’s big name development boards — like Beaglebone Black Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and Slap a board onto your platform of choice and get immediate 15 kilometers of connectivity for small packet data.

As long as your device can connect to Our SSLA Lora gateway, you have access to every connected device on the LoRa node. Better yet, The Things Network is providing constant coverage via LoRA networks — that means no WiFi codes or mobile subscriptions. whats more it is very cheap making more affordable to business, people, industries.

The hardware comes in two frequencies, 868MHz and 915MHz, which will depend on your location — EU and rest of the world, respectively.

LoRa gateways receive data from nodes and connect them, and any others in the area, to Our LoRaWAN network like The Things Network mentioned above. You can also set up your own LoRa gateway to give you and others access when coverage is not available.

Pi Supply’s IoT LoRa Gateway can utilizes a SSLA Bealgebone black based LoRa gateway concentrator module, which is based on Semtech’s SX1301 LoRa chip and features a fully LoRaWAN-compliant gateway listening on ten channels simultaneously.

Our LoRa nodes attach to our development board for sending data. Pi Supply has a few LoRa node options, in, you can connected on our LorA node any sensors it is capable of reading analog sensors, digital sensor, I2C, UART device, and use different and external antennas.